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52 Delicious Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

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52 weight loss printable juicing recipes that may boost your immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Making fresh juice at home is simple, easy, and delicious with these healthy juice recipes for beginners.

weight loss printable juicing recipes with images of different healthy juices
52 Weight Loss Printable Juicing Recipes

Beginning on a weight loss journey can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. However, incorporating fresh juice into your routine can be a great way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of homemade juices, provide you with printable juicing recipes, and discuss how these nutritious concoctions can aid in your healthy lifestyle.

When I used to weigh 125 pounds more, I would drink orange juice by the gallon. It’s still one of my favorite drinks, but I limit the store-bought OJ because I know it has been pasteurized and stripped of its nutrients. Instead, I make my own juice with whole foods, and it’s delicious and nutritious. 

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The Importance of Fresh Juice:

Starting your day with a glass of fresh juice is a great way to boost your energy levels and kick your metabolism into gear. Fresh fruits like oranges and lemons not only add a sweet taste to your juice but also provide essential Vitamin C, supporting your immune system. This small act can go a long way in boosting your overall well-being.

  1. Energy Boost: Freshly squeezed juices, especially those made from vibrant fruits like oranges and lemons, act as a natural energy booster. The natural sugars present in these fruits provide a quick and easily accessible source of energy. By consuming fresh juice first thing in the morning, you are kickstarting your day on a positive note, ensuring you have the vitality needed to tackle daily tasks with enthusiasm.
  2. Metabolism Kickstart: In addition to energizing your body, fresh juice plays a crucial role in revving up your metabolism. The nutrients and enzymes present in fruits, when consumed in liquid form, are absorbed more quickly by your body. This metabolic boost not only aids in weight management but also helps your body efficiently process the nutrients it needs for optimal functioning.
  3. Vitamin C for Immune Support: Orange juice and lemon juice are rich in Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that plays a vital role in supporting your immune system. Regular consumption of these juices can contribute to a strengthened defense against common illnesses and infections. As your immune system receives the necessary nutrients, it becomes better equipped to ward off potential health threats.
  4. Hydration Reinforcement: Beyond the nutritional benefits, fresh juice is a healthy way to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is fundamental to various bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and weight loss. Starting your day with a hydrating glass of juice ensures that you kick off the day with optimal fluid levels, setting a positive tone for the rest of your hydration efforts.
  5. Digestive Aid: The natural enzymes found in fresh fruits can act as digestive aids. Consuming a glass of fresh juice in the morning may help kickstart your digestive system, promoting efficient nutrient absorption throughout the day. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may experience digestive tract issues or feel sluggish after meals.
  6. Antioxidant Power: The antioxidants in fresh fruits combat free radicals (unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage). By including fresh juice in your morning routine, you’re providing your body with a powerful dose of antioxidants, contributing to the overall health of your cells and tissues.

The importance of fresh juice extends far beyond its sweet taste. By incorporating this simple habit into your daily routine, you are not only treating your taste buds but also providing your body with a myriad of health benefits. From immune support to enhanced energy levels, to weight loss, to fat loss, fresh juice can be a game-changer on your journey to a healthier and happier you.

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Vegetable Juice for Weight Loss

When it comes to crafting a healthy juice recipe tailored for weight loss, one of the key ingredients to consider is the inclusion of nutrient-packed leafy greens. These verdant vegetables not only add vibrant color to your juice but also bring a multitude of health benefits to the table.

  1. Rich in Essential Nutrients: Leafy greens, such as spinach, swiss chard, and kale, are nutritional powerhouses. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, these greens contribute significantly to your daily nutrient intake. Vitamin K, in particular, plays a crucial role in bone health, aiding in the regulation of calcium and promoting overall skeletal strength.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Inflammation is often associated with various health issues, including weight gain. Leafy greens possess potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help mitigate inflammation within the body. By incorporating spinach or kale into your juice, you are not only promoting weight loss but also supporting overall wellness by addressing inflammatory factors.
  3. Fiber for Satiety: Fiber is a key player in weight loss journeys, promoting a sense of fullness and preventing overeating. Leafy greens are excellent sources of dietary fiber, making them an ideal addition to your weight-loss juice recipe. This fiber content helps keep you satiated, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking between meals.
  4. Low-Calorie and Nutrient-Dense: Leafy greens are low in calories while being dense in nutrients. This characteristic makes them a valuable component of any weight loss plan. The abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they provide supports your body’s overall health without contributing excess calories that could hinder your weight loss efforts.
  5. Blood Sugar Regulation: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for effective weight management. The fiber and nutrients found in leafy greens contribute to better blood sugar regulation, preventing spikes and crashes that can lead to cravings for sugary, calorie-laden snacks.
  6. Detoxification Support: Leafy greens, known for their chlorophyll content, play a role in detoxifying the body. Chlorophyll helps eliminate toxins and supports the liver in its detoxification processes. A cleansed and efficiently functioning liver is crucial for weight loss as it aids in metabolizing fats and supporting overall metabolic health.
  7. Heart Health Benefits: Including greens in your weight loss juice can positively impact heart health and may protect against cardiovascular disease. The high levels of potassium in greens contribute to healthy blood pressure levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues. A healthy heart is vital for overall well-being and can enhance the effectiveness of your weight loss journey.

Incorporating leafy greens into your homemade vegetable juices is not just about shedding pounds; it’s a holistic approach to wellness. By harnessing the loads of health benefits of these vegetables, you’re not only aiding your fat loss but also providing your body with the essential building blocks for optimal health

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Balancing Solid Food and Juices

Beginning a juice diet or juice cleanse can offer both advantages and drawbacks. On the positive side, juice fasts provide a concentrated intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting a temporary boost in energy levels and aiding the body’s natural detoxification processes. 

They can also serve as a reset for unhealthy eating habits and may contribute to short-term weight loss

However, some potential downsides of a juice detox include the lack of important nutrients like protein and healthy fats, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and muscle loss over an extended period. 

We all know juice fasts may not be sustainable for long durations. Sure the sudden reduction in calorie intake can cause you to lose water weight, but it can also cause fatigue, irritability, and difficulties in maintaining daily activities. It’s crucial to approach juice fasts and cleanses with caution, considering your nutritional needs and individual health conditions. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional and get medical advice to see if juicing for weight loss is a good idea for you.

  1. Complementing a Healthy Diet: While sipping on nutrient-rich juices is a good thing, it’s crucial to recognize that these liquids should work in harmony with a well-rounded and nourishing diet. A diet rich in whole foods—such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins—provides a broad spectrum of nutrients, including fiber, that may not be fully captured in juices alone.
  2. Avoiding Nutrient Gaps: Juicing should not serve as a substitute for consuming whole fruits and vegetables. While juices offer concentrated vitamins and minerals, they may lack the dietary fiber found in whole foods. Fiber plays a crucial role in digestive health and helps maintain a feeling of fullness, which can be important for weight management.
  3. Supplementing Whole Foods: Consider homemade juices as a valuable supplement to your regular meals, filling in the nutrient gaps that may exist in your diet. The variety of fruits and vegetables you include in your juices can offer a diverse array of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to an overall nutrient-rich intake.
  4. Enjoying a Rainbow of Nutrients: Whole foods come in a variety of colors, each representing different nutrients and health benefits. By incorporating both solid foods and juices into your daily routine, you ensure that you’re enjoying a rainbow of nutrients. This diversity supports various bodily functions, from immune system function to skin health and beyond.
  5. Balancing Macronutrients: Solid foods provide essential macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, which are integral for sustained energy and overall well-being. Juices, while offering micronutrients, may lack the macronutrient balance needed for a comprehensive and balanced diet. Balancing both solid foods and juices ensures that your body receives the complete range of nutrients it requires.
  6. Mindful Consumption: Incorporating both solid and liquid forms of nutrition encourages mindful eating. Enjoying a variety of textures and flavors from whole foods and sipping on homemade juices promotes a mindful approach to nutrition. This can lead to better portion control and an enhanced appreciation for the food you consume.
  7. Long-Term Sustainability: A balanced approach to nutrition is not only effective for health but also sustainable in the long run. Relying solely on juice fasts for sustenance may not be practical or satisfying in the long term. Balancing solid foods with juices allows for a more sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle, promoting a positive relationship with food.

In essence, while juicing is a valuable component of a healthy lifestyle, it’s essential to strike a balance between liquid nourishment and whole food consumption. By doing so, you ensure that your body receives a comprehensive range of nutrients, promoting overall health and vitality in the most sustainable and enjoyable way possible.

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Equipment Needed for Weight Loss Juicing Recipes

There are various types of juicers available, each with its unique features and benefits. We’ll explore what makes each juicer special, how they work, and which one might be perfect for your juice-making adventures. 

Centrifugal juicers are common and work by rapidly spinning fruits and vegetables to extract juice, making them a quick and convenient option. 

The Breville Juice Fountain Plus is the one I own and is highly rated.

Masticating juicers, on the other hand, are considered to be a slow juicer, preserving more nutrients and yielding higher-quality juice. 

The Omega NC900HDC is one of the highest-rated masticating juicers.

Cold-press or hydraulic press juicers are known for their efficiency in extracting juice while maintaining nutrient integrity, making them a top kind of juicer for health enthusiasts. 

The Tribest Greenstar Elite is recognized as one of the best cold-press juicers.

As for blenders, while they are not traditional juicers, they can indeed be used to make “whole-fruit” juices by blending fruits and vegetables, retaining the fiber content. However, this results in more of a smoothie consistency rather than a clear juice. 

The Vitamix 5000 is considered a top-notch blender for smoothies.

The choice between juicers and blenders ultimately depends on personal preferences, budget, desired juice texture, and the level of nutrient preservation one seeks in their homemade beverages.

…so let’s get the juicer ready for the best juicing recipes for weight loss!

Click on the link below the picture to see the actual weight loss printable juicing recipes.

Best Juicing Recipes for Energy and Weight Loss

How to Make Grapefruit Juice – Simple and Easy
Learn how to make grapefruit juice with or without a juicer. Homemade grapefruit juice offers a subtle sweetness and a pleasant tartness along with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune system support. This fresh grapefruit juice recipe can be made using a juicer, blender, or by hand.
Check out this recipe
grapefruit juice in a glass
Whole Green Juice in a Blender
Whole green juice made in a blender! Packed with kale, celery, apple and lemon juice, the flavor is amazing. Plus you’ll feel so good after drinking it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Real Food
Whole Green Juice in a Blender Pin
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender!
Celery cucumber juice is an easy to make in the blender green juice! This kid-friendly juice is mild, smooth, and has no bitter taste.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Read Food
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender! Pin
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)
Sweet, refreshing, and easy to make, this homemade peach juice is ready in 10 minutes! Options for both blender and juicer are included.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Health My Lifestyle
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)Pin
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)
Enjoy a refreshing glass of strawberry juice at home! This fresh juice recipe requires just two ingredients and takes only 5 minutes!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Healthy My Lifestyle
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)Pin
Carrot Apple Celery Juice
This Carrot Apple Celery Juice is easy to prepare and packs a healthy punch. So, give it a try and enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Simple Sumptuous Cooking
Carrot Apple Celery JuicePin
Beet Pineapple Juice
Beet Pineapple Juice with cucumber is delicious and nutritious. Just 4 ingredients and 10 minutes to make. Use a juicer or blender. (Vegan, GF).
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Evergreen Kitchen
Beet Pineapple Juice Pin
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipe
Learn how to make refreshingly tart and tangy Sea Buckthorn Juice. No fancy equipment is needed! You can make it from frozen or fresh berries.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice RecipePin
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)
Learn how to make cold-pressed Blueberry Juice without a juicer in just a few easy steps. Perfect for sipping straight or adding to smoothies.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)Pin
Green Vegetable Juice with Apple
Green Vegetable Juice you’ll actually want to drink! Sweetened with apple, these juice is perfectly balanced and mild enough for the beginner juicers!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Green Vegetable Juice with ApplePin
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)
Spicy Tomato Juice – the perfect balance of earthy and sweet with a subtle kick of spice. Tomato juice you will actually want to drink!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)Pin
Green Juice for Beginners
This is the perfect green juice for beginners if you are just starting out with juicing greens and want to ease your tastebuds into it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Heartful Table
Red Cabbage Juicing + Purple Cabbage Juice Recipe
Have you ever tried juicing red cabbage? If not, you're in for a treat! Red cabbage is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it great for your health. Plus, it has a delicious flavor that goes well with other vegetables.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Our Plant-Based World

Best Weight Loss Printable Juicing Recipes

How to Make Grapefruit Juice – Simple and Easy
Learn how to make grapefruit juice with or without a juicer. Homemade grapefruit juice offers a subtle sweetness and a pleasant tartness along with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune system support. This fresh grapefruit juice recipe can be made using a juicer, blender, or by hand.
Check out this recipe
grapefruit juice in a glass
Whole Green Juice in a Blender
Whole green juice made in a blender! Packed with kale, celery, apple and lemon juice, the flavor is amazing. Plus you’ll feel so good after drinking it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Real Food
Whole Green Juice in a Blender Pin
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender!
Celery cucumber juice is an easy to make in the blender green juice! This kid-friendly juice is mild, smooth, and has no bitter taste.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Read Food
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender! Pin
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)
Sweet, refreshing, and easy to make, this homemade peach juice is ready in 10 minutes! Options for both blender and juicer are included.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Health My Lifestyle
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)Pin
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)
Enjoy a refreshing glass of strawberry juice at home! This fresh juice recipe requires just two ingredients and takes only 5 minutes!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Healthy My Lifestyle
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)Pin
Carrot Apple Celery Juice
This Carrot Apple Celery Juice is easy to prepare and packs a healthy punch. So, give it a try and enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Simple Sumptuous Cooking
Carrot Apple Celery JuicePin
Beet Pineapple Juice
Beet Pineapple Juice with cucumber is delicious and nutritious. Just 4 ingredients and 10 minutes to make. Use a juicer or blender. (Vegan, GF).
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Evergreen Kitchen
Beet Pineapple Juice Pin
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipe
Learn how to make refreshingly tart and tangy Sea Buckthorn Juice. No fancy equipment is needed! You can make it from frozen or fresh berries.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice RecipePin
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)
Learn how to make cold-pressed Blueberry Juice without a juicer in just a few easy steps. Perfect for sipping straight or adding to smoothies.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)Pin
Green Vegetable Juice with Apple
Green Vegetable Juice you’ll actually want to drink! Sweetened with apple, these juice is perfectly balanced and mild enough for the beginner juicers!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Green Vegetable Juice with ApplePin
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)
Spicy Tomato Juice – the perfect balance of earthy and sweet with a subtle kick of spice. Tomato juice you will actually want to drink!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)Pin
Green Juice for Beginners
This is the perfect green juice for beginners if you are just starting out with juicing greens and want to ease your tastebuds into it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Heartful Table
Red Cabbage Juicing + Purple Cabbage Juice Recipe
Have you ever tried juicing red cabbage? If not, you're in for a treat! Red cabbage is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it great for your health. Plus, it has a delicious flavor that goes well with other vegetables.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Our Plant-Based World

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Best Weight Loss Juicing Recipes for Beginners

How to Make Grapefruit Juice – Simple and Easy
Learn how to make grapefruit juice with or without a juicer. Homemade grapefruit juice offers a subtle sweetness and a pleasant tartness along with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune system support. This fresh grapefruit juice recipe can be made using a juicer, blender, or by hand.
Check out this recipe
grapefruit juice in a glass
Whole Green Juice in a Blender
Whole green juice made in a blender! Packed with kale, celery, apple and lemon juice, the flavor is amazing. Plus you’ll feel so good after drinking it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Real Food
Whole Green Juice in a Blender Pin
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender!
Celery cucumber juice is an easy to make in the blender green juice! This kid-friendly juice is mild, smooth, and has no bitter taste.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Read Food
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender! Pin
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)
Sweet, refreshing, and easy to make, this homemade peach juice is ready in 10 minutes! Options for both blender and juicer are included.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Health My Lifestyle
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)Pin
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)
Enjoy a refreshing glass of strawberry juice at home! This fresh juice recipe requires just two ingredients and takes only 5 minutes!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Healthy My Lifestyle
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)Pin
Carrot Apple Celery Juice
This Carrot Apple Celery Juice is easy to prepare and packs a healthy punch. So, give it a try and enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Simple Sumptuous Cooking
Carrot Apple Celery JuicePin
Beet Pineapple Juice
Beet Pineapple Juice with cucumber is delicious and nutritious. Just 4 ingredients and 10 minutes to make. Use a juicer or blender. (Vegan, GF).
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Evergreen Kitchen
Beet Pineapple Juice Pin
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipe
Learn how to make refreshingly tart and tangy Sea Buckthorn Juice. No fancy equipment is needed! You can make it from frozen or fresh berries.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice RecipePin
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)
Learn how to make cold-pressed Blueberry Juice without a juicer in just a few easy steps. Perfect for sipping straight or adding to smoothies.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)Pin
Green Vegetable Juice with Apple
Green Vegetable Juice you’ll actually want to drink! Sweetened with apple, these juice is perfectly balanced and mild enough for the beginner juicers!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Green Vegetable Juice with ApplePin
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)
Spicy Tomato Juice – the perfect balance of earthy and sweet with a subtle kick of spice. Tomato juice you will actually want to drink!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)Pin
Green Juice for Beginners
This is the perfect green juice for beginners if you are just starting out with juicing greens and want to ease your tastebuds into it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Heartful Table
Red Cabbage Juicing + Purple Cabbage Juice Recipe
Have you ever tried juicing red cabbage? If not, you're in for a treat! Red cabbage is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it great for your health. Plus, it has a delicious flavor that goes well with other vegetables.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Our Plant-Based World

Weight Loss Juice Recipe Printables 

How to Make Grapefruit Juice – Simple and Easy
Learn how to make grapefruit juice with or without a juicer. Homemade grapefruit juice offers a subtle sweetness and a pleasant tartness along with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune system support. This fresh grapefruit juice recipe can be made using a juicer, blender, or by hand.
Check out this recipe
grapefruit juice in a glass
Whole Green Juice in a Blender
Whole green juice made in a blender! Packed with kale, celery, apple and lemon juice, the flavor is amazing. Plus you’ll feel so good after drinking it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Real Food
Whole Green Juice in a Blender Pin
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender!
Celery cucumber juice is an easy to make in the blender green juice! This kid-friendly juice is mild, smooth, and has no bitter taste.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Read Food
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender! Pin
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)
Sweet, refreshing, and easy to make, this homemade peach juice is ready in 10 minutes! Options for both blender and juicer are included.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Health My Lifestyle
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)Pin
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)
Enjoy a refreshing glass of strawberry juice at home! This fresh juice recipe requires just two ingredients and takes only 5 minutes!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Healthy My Lifestyle
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)Pin
Carrot Apple Celery Juice
This Carrot Apple Celery Juice is easy to prepare and packs a healthy punch. So, give it a try and enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Simple Sumptuous Cooking
Carrot Apple Celery JuicePin
Beet Pineapple Juice
Beet Pineapple Juice with cucumber is delicious and nutritious. Just 4 ingredients and 10 minutes to make. Use a juicer or blender. (Vegan, GF).
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Evergreen Kitchen
Beet Pineapple Juice Pin
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipe
Learn how to make refreshingly tart and tangy Sea Buckthorn Juice. No fancy equipment is needed! You can make it from frozen or fresh berries.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice RecipePin
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)
Learn how to make cold-pressed Blueberry Juice without a juicer in just a few easy steps. Perfect for sipping straight or adding to smoothies.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)Pin
Green Vegetable Juice with Apple
Green Vegetable Juice you’ll actually want to drink! Sweetened with apple, these juice is perfectly balanced and mild enough for the beginner juicers!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Green Vegetable Juice with ApplePin
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)
Spicy Tomato Juice – the perfect balance of earthy and sweet with a subtle kick of spice. Tomato juice you will actually want to drink!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)Pin
Green Juice for Beginners
This is the perfect green juice for beginners if you are just starting out with juicing greens and want to ease your tastebuds into it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Heartful Table
Red Cabbage Juicing + Purple Cabbage Juice Recipe
Have you ever tried juicing red cabbage? If not, you're in for a treat! Red cabbage is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it great for your health. Plus, it has a delicious flavor that goes well with other vegetables.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Our Plant-Based World

Weight Loss Juicing Diet Plan Recipes

How to Make Grapefruit Juice – Simple and Easy
Learn how to make grapefruit juice with or without a juicer. Homemade grapefruit juice offers a subtle sweetness and a pleasant tartness along with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for immune system support. This fresh grapefruit juice recipe can be made using a juicer, blender, or by hand.
Check out this recipe
grapefruit juice in a glass
Whole Green Juice in a Blender
Whole green juice made in a blender! Packed with kale, celery, apple and lemon juice, the flavor is amazing. Plus you’ll feel so good after drinking it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Real Food
Whole Green Juice in a Blender Pin
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender!
Celery cucumber juice is an easy to make in the blender green juice! This kid-friendly juice is mild, smooth, and has no bitter taste.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Fit Mama Read Food
Celery Cucumber Juice Recipe Made in the Blender! Pin
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)
Sweet, refreshing, and easy to make, this homemade peach juice is ready in 10 minutes! Options for both blender and juicer are included.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Health My Lifestyle
Easy Peach Juice Recipe (Peach Nectar)Pin
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)
Enjoy a refreshing glass of strawberry juice at home! This fresh juice recipe requires just two ingredients and takes only 5 minutes!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Healthy My Lifestyle
Fresh Strawberry Juice (Easy + No Juicer Needed)Pin
Carrot Apple Celery Juice
This Carrot Apple Celery Juice is easy to prepare and packs a healthy punch. So, give it a try and enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Simple Sumptuous Cooking
Carrot Apple Celery JuicePin
Beet Pineapple Juice
Beet Pineapple Juice with cucumber is delicious and nutritious. Just 4 ingredients and 10 minutes to make. Use a juicer or blender. (Vegan, GF).
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Evergreen Kitchen
Beet Pineapple Juice Pin
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipe
Learn how to make refreshingly tart and tangy Sea Buckthorn Juice. No fancy equipment is needed! You can make it from frozen or fresh berries.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
Easy Sea Buckthorn Juice RecipePin
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)
Learn how to make cold-pressed Blueberry Juice without a juicer in just a few easy steps. Perfect for sipping straight or adding to smoothies.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Maria Ushakova
How to Make Blueberry Juice (Easy Recipe)Pin
Green Vegetable Juice with Apple
Green Vegetable Juice you’ll actually want to drink! Sweetened with apple, these juice is perfectly balanced and mild enough for the beginner juicers!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Green Vegetable Juice with ApplePin
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)
Spicy Tomato Juice – the perfect balance of earthy and sweet with a subtle kick of spice. Tomato juice you will actually want to drink!
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Veggie Inspired
Spicy Tomato Juice (8 Vegetables!)Pin
Green Juice for Beginners
This is the perfect green juice for beginners if you are just starting out with juicing greens and want to ease your tastebuds into it.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Heartful Table
Red Cabbage Juicing + Purple Cabbage Juice Recipe
Have you ever tried juicing red cabbage? If not, you're in for a treat! Red cabbage is loaded with antioxidants, which makes it great for your health. Plus, it has a delicious flavor that goes well with other vegetables.
Check out this recipe
Photo credit: Our Plant-Based World

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​Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a medical professional. The information provided on this blog is based on my personal experiences and research as a vegan recipe enthusiast. While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. The recipes and tips shared on this blog are meant for general informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always prioritize your health and well-being by seeking personalized guidance from a qualified healthcare provider.

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  1. Really informative post – I avoid orange juice now store bought as it is full of fructose. It is much better to juice fresh! Great advice as I am prediabetic, needing to be careful of things that spike sugar levels. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Your printable juicing recipes for weight loss are just what I needed to kickstart my healthy eating journey! I love how you’ve curated a variety of delicious and nutritious options that are not only easy to make but also support weight loss goals. Having these recipes handy will make it so much simpler for me to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet. Thanks for providing such a helpful resource!

  3. Your breakdown into the best juicers to try is absolutely golden. A lot of people underestimate how crucial it is to get the right juicer and actually choosing a good one when you first start out on your weight loss journey but it can make the difference between a good smooth blend and a bumpy lumpy mush that makes the whole thing unappealing and demotivating. So thanks for that!

  4. Yesss, thank you for sharing these recipes. I’m looking for healthy ways to drop a few pounds and all of these juice recipes sound good to me.

  5. Great recipes, my uncle would love to get these as he just started his weight loss journey. Also, learned new things from your post as well.

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